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Intake consultation + guidance

The practical consultations with our microdosing coaches are suitable for you if you:

  • Want to microdose under supervision
  • Have practical questions about microdosing
  • Extra tips can use at startup
  • Please explain your personal situation

But also if:

  • You want to get the most out of your microdosing process under the guidance of an experienced coach
  • Then this consultation functions as an intake for a short coaching process of 3 sessions.

You get for this:

  • An intake interview of 30-60 min by phone or teams
  • Three contact moments of approximately 15 min. during microdosing

Original price was: €100.00.Current price is: €75.00.




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Haradava sells products that contribute to the balance between body and mind. You can approach body and mind separately, but are not actually separate from each other. We offer high-quality products that contribute to health at all levels.


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